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Employers’ responsibilities after a workplace accident

On Behalf of | May 13, 2015 | Workplace Injuries

After an Oklahoma worker is injured on the job, the employer must follow certain protocol to ensure the worker’s immediate safety and avoid any further injuries. Paperwork must also subsequently be completed by the employer and submitted to its workers’ compensation insurance provider as well as the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The first thing that an employer should do when a worker is injured on the job is to ensure the provision of care. If the accident is an emergency, the employer should call 911 so that the worker can receive medical care as quickly as possible. In a non-emergency situation, the employer may transport the injured worker to the nearest hospital or walk-in clinic.

Once the injured worker has been cared for, the next step an employer should take is to secure the scene where the accident took place. This should be done not only for investigative purposes, but also so that no other workers are injured. Next, the employer should make sure to send an accident report to its workers’ compensation insurance carrier within 24 hours of when the accident took place and complete an OSHA form 300. After an accident, employers should allow workers adequate time to recover from their injuries while also giving them the opportunity to transition back to work with modified job duties.

Those who have been injured in an accident while on the job may have a better chance of submitting a successful workers’ compensation claim with the help of an attorney who has experience in workplace injury matters. The attorney can also provide representation at a subsequent hearing in the event that the claim is disputed or denied.


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