Maintaining lockout programs is an essential part of creating a safe workplace in Oklahoma. Employers with effective lockout programs can prevent a lot of accidents that take place when machinery is mistakenly left on before cleaning or maintenance. However, there are many workplaces where lockout programs do not prevent injuries like they are supposed to.
In many cases, a lack of engagement by workers causes lockout programs to be ignored. Although workers may be provided with training on equipment-specific procedures, they may forget lockout programs when no one in particular is assigned to be responsible for them. Lockout program instructions are sometimes ignored even when they are printed and stored right next to each machine.
Companies with successful lockout programs usually assign one employee to be responsible for each machine. The lockout ‘go-to person” watches over the machines that they are assigned to, trains operators on the machine-specific lockout procedures and checks machines before the machines are serviced for maintenance. Another way that employers may help to ensure that lockout programs run smoothly is to make sure that all lockout devices for a particular machine are kept in close proximity.
When large industrial machines are not shut off for cleaning or maintenance, workers can suffer from devastating injuries such as lacerations or amputations. A worker who was involved in a work accident involving negligent workplace safety practices may be able to recover financial compensation for their injuries. Many injured workers achieve better results when they have representation from an attorney during the process of filing a workers’ compensation or personal injury claim.