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Study on the reporting and collection of injury data

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2017 | Workplace Injuries

Some Oklahoma workers may be interested in a report issued by the Center for Safety and Health Sustainability. According to the Need for Standardized Sustainability Reporting Practices, the regular reporting and collection of information on illnesses, injuries and fatalities by sustainable organizations is insufficient.

The report is a supplement to a 2013 study that examined companies in the Corporate Knights’ Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations. It contains an analysis of the data that was reported between June and December of 2016. The analysis determined that there had been little progress with regard to being compliant with common safety and health performance regulations.

According to a press release, the CSHS states the results of the study indicated that the formats for reporting, the methods used for data collection as well as the definitions and terms used in the reporting varied widely. It can be concluded from the results that there is still no consensus among the companies about which measures for workplace health and safety should be used for universal sustainability indexes.

The CSHS suggests that organizations should record the number of their work sites that use health management and occupational safety systems and that they should also have a unbiased third-party conduct an audit. The agency also recommends that health and safety should be assessed at all levels of the supply chain.

Individuals who have sustained workplace injuries should speak with an attorney about their legal options. The attorney may assist with filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits to be applied to medical expenses that have been incurred.


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