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Remaining safe around backing vehicles

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2018 | Workplace Safety

Oklahoma workers should be aware that data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the number of job site deaths caused by backing vehicles has been constant across the country from 2012 to 2015. To remain safe at work and to avoid being injured or killed by vehicles that are traveling in reverse, there are some best practices that can be used.

When a vehicle is in use, a spotter with the right training can be on guard for pedestrians, other vehicles or workers traveling on foot. However, this can also place the spotters in danger of being struck be vehicles or other equipment that are moving in reverse.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration suggests adhering to certain practices. In addition to having drivers and spotters coordinate with one another using hand signals, the drivers should always have the spotter in view when a vehicle is in reverse and quickly stop if they are no longer able to see one another. Individuals who have been designated spotters should not be responsible for any other work tasks while spotting and should not be handling items, like headphones or mobile devices, that can distract them. Spotters should also make sure that they wear the appropriate, high-visibility gear so that they can be easily noticed. This is particularly important during the nighttime.

An attorney can often help a client who has been injured at work due to lax workplace safety policies. The appropriate agency may be notified of the violations that led to the workplace accident. In addition, the attorney could assist the victim with the preparation and filing of a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.


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