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Drowsy vs. drunk driving: What’s more dangerous

While drunk driving accidents receive a lot of attention in the news, something that’s just as dangerous (if not more dangerous) is drowsy driving. While drowsy driving is responsible for many accidents, it doesn’t get as much attention as drunk driving.

It’s important to understand that drunk driving is much easier to measure than drowsy driving. Most people don’t want to admit they were sleepy while behind the wheel, but there are tests that can be run to determine if a driver is intoxicated.

The risks and dangers of driving while sleep-deprived

Along with the potential dangers of falling asleep while behind the wheel, if you are drowsy, it impacts other aspects of driving safely, including:

  • Reaction time
  • Vigilance
  • Decision-making
  • Judgment
  • Coordination
  • Driver attention

Many drowsy drivers tend to weave in traffic and have issues maintaining a consistent speed. Unfortunately, these issues increase the potential of an accident significantly.

Drowsy vs. drunk driving

There are some similarities between drunk and drowsy driving. They both reduce reaction times and impact things like decision-making and alertness. There are differences, too. People who drive drunk are usually impulsive, overly confident, and uninhibited. Fatigued drivers are unable to remain vigilant and respond to road conditions. This makes it especially dangerous because drivers cannot respond to potential road hazards.

Protecting your rights when in a drowsy driving collision

Drowsy driving is a serious issue across the country and one that causes thousands of accidents a year. You have rights if you are in an accident with a drowsy driver. It’s a good idea to understand your legal rights to ensure that you are protected and can recover compensation for your losses and injuries.


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