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Oversharing on social media after a car accident

Social media platforms have transformed how people communicate and made sharing life’s moments with friends and family easier. However, in the wake of a car accident, you should resist any urges to post updates or vent online about your experience.

Oversharing online in the aftermath of an accident can come with unintended consequences. If you intend to open a personal injury (PI) claim, it is best to remain discrete about your experience. While sharing details may feel cathartic or helpful, it is crucial to understand the risks and avoid oversharing until your claim is resolved.

What is the harm of oversharing?

When you open a personal injury claim, your online activity becomes one source for insurance companies to fish out information. Suppose you vent about the accident in the heat of the moment; insurance providers may use your words against you.

Investigators may also monitor your social media pages to see if you post anything about the accident. You may inadvertently post information that can be used to minimize or write off your compensation.

Since your online presence is far from private, it is best to lean on friends and family members you trust. Having a support system can help ensure you do not turn to social media for the support you need during this challenging time. Even a seemingly harmless post can be misinterpreted and work against you.

For instance, your status updates may provide ammunition for the defense to undermine your credibility if they mention details of the accident, your injuries or ongoing negotiations.

Even a photo of you participating in a recreational activity can be misconstrued as evidence that your car accident injuries are not as devastating as you claim.

Did you know that any information that investigators and insurance companies fish out of your social media pages can be used as evidence in court? It is important to note that even if you delete a post, it may have already been documented through screenshots.

Social media is a powerful communication tool, but it can do more harm than good in the aftermath of a car accident. By staying mindful of your online presence and seek dedicated legal support, you can help protect your personal injury case and focus on recovery.


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