If you were in an accident and the other driver was at fault, you may be entitled to compensation. There are several types of damages you could recover from a successful auto accident claim.
It can benefit you to learn about what type of compensation you could recover from an auto accident case. Here is what you should know:
Can you recover medical bills?
A car accident could leave you severely injured. You may build up debt for your medical expenses, such as hospital stays, long-term injuries, medication, physical therapy, rehabilitation, medical equipment and in-home care. You could recover compensation to pay for your medical debt by presenting your medical bills during an auto accident claim.
Can you recover vehicle repair costs?
A car accident may have caused damage to your vehicle. The cost of repairing your vehicle may lead to financial difficulties. Your vehicle may be damaged beyond repair, which could cause you to need to buy a new car or rent a vehicle. The cost to repair your vehicle or buy a new one could be covered with a successful auto accident claim.
Can you recover lost wages?
Your injuries may have prevented you from working. As a result, you may have lost wages. Lost wages could lead to financial burdens, such as late fees for rent, debt or other bills and loss of savings. You may be able to present evidence of lost wages during an auto accident claim to recover compensation.
What else could you recover?
You may be able to recover other types of compensation. For example, you could recover damages for the loss of life. Or, you may be able to pursue damages for pain and suffering. You might consider reaching out for legal help to explore your compensation options and recover maximum damages.