Anyone who drives has likely been right around semitrucks. Some people don’t realize that there are specific areas that they shouldn’t drive in. These are all the places where truckers can’t see them.
It’s not realistic to think that you can always avoid these areas. Instead, if you’re going to drive into any of these areas, do so as quickly as possible. The less time you spend in these areas, the more you can decrease the chance of being involved in a crash.
Where are the no zones?
The front no zone is directly in front of a semitruck and a significant blind spot. If you merge too closely in front of a truck, the driver may not see you. Additionally, trucks require much longer stopping distances, so cutting in front of one can create a dangerous situation if they need to brake suddenly.
The rear no zone is a substantial blind spot directly behind the truck. If you’re tailgating a semitruck, the driver likely can’t see you in their mirrors. Staying in this no zone is risky because you’ll have limited visibility of the road ahead.
The side no zones are some of the largest blind spots. The passenger side has a much larger no zone than the driver’s side. If you can’t see the truck driver’s face in their side mirror, they likely can’t see you either.
The wide turn no zone is on the right side of a turning semitruck. These rigs require extra space to make wide turns, especially right turns. Cutting between a turning truck and the curb can put you in a dangerous position.
Even if you’re driving safely, there’s still a chance that a semitruck may strike your vehicle. That would require immediate medical attention. It may also lead to a legal claim if the trucker was at fault. Seeking assistance may be beneficial, particularly because of the strict filing deadlines in these cases.