Parents of teenage drivers have a lot to address. Getting a teenager into driver’s education can be a logistics nightmare for a busy family. There are also numerous expenses, from the course itself to vehicle costs and insurance when your teen driver finally gets their license.
Although initially your teenager may drive household vehicles because they need to have an adult supervising them, they will eventually need their own transportation. Especially if they have to take themselves and their siblings to school every day, helping your teen get a vehicle can make things easier for your family.
Buying the right used vehicle for your teen driver can reduce their risk of a tragic outcome to a crash. What vehicles are the safest for teen drivers?
There are many used vehicles that are safe for new drivers
There are numerous theoretical ways to establish which vehicles are the safest for teen drivers. Perhaps the best has to look at ownership records and compare them with collision records, although looking at crash test scores and reviews by consumer advocacy groups can also work.
The Insurance Information Institute provided an analysis of what kinds of used vehicles were the overall safest for teen drivers. They broke the ranking into categories based on size. Some of the safest small vehicles include the Toyota Prius, the Mazda 3 and the Kia Niro. For midsize vehicles, the safest used options for teen drivers include the Subaru Outback, the Volkswagen Passat and the Lincoln MKZ.
If your family wants to put your teenager in a bigger vehicle to provide them with more protection in the event of a collision, some of the safest choices will be a Ford Taurus, a Nissan Rogue or a Ford Edge.
No vehicle is a substitute for good driving practices
Investing in the safest possible used vehicle for your teen driver will not necessarily keep them safe. Practice and good safety habits will go the farthest toward limiting your teen’s road risk.
Making sure your young driver knows the importance of sobriety and avoiding distraction could save their life. Setting a good example yourself by always using your safety restraints and never handling your phone while driving will do more to teach your children good driving habits than telling them to do as you say and not as you do.
Learning about the safest vehicles and best habits could help you keep your young driver from experiencing a car crash.