If you sustain a work-related injury or contract an occupational disease, you need to gather evidence. Evidence can provide crucial information about the circumstances that led to your injury or illness and its severity and extent. Here are three tips to help you when...
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Workplace Accidents
Holiday prep can lead to injuries on the job
The holiday season is here, and preparations are underway! From stringing lights to baking cookies, there is a lot to do. While you are busy decorating, hospital emergency rooms are preparing for the dramatic spike in holiday-related accidents and injuries that will...
These tips can help you work safely on a ladder
In your profession, ladders are a very typical part of your day. Maybe you’re a janitor who has to clean up elevated areas, change light bulbs and do other types of maintenance. Or maybe you’re a house painter or a window washer who has to climb tall ladders on a...
Injuries that may qualify for workers’ compensation
A workplace injury is a major problem for a Tulsa resident. Aside from the pain they may suffer from their ailment, they must also deal with potentially having to take time off work to seek medical treatment and to recuperate. Unlike injuries that happen on a worker’s...
What will your return to work be like after a job-related injury?
Returning to work after an on-the-job accident is not always easy. After your work injury and your recovery, you may hope that you can get back to work and that your life will return to normal. In order to accomplish this, you may need extra support and help. Some...
Oklahoma poultry workers take great risks on the job
As you and your family sit down to enjoy that turkey this holiday season, say a little thanks to the poultry workers who helped to put that bird on your table. Poultry workers, including those who process turkeys in Oklahoma and elsewhere, are 60 percent more likely...
Certain workers more likely to die in job-related accidents
Many Oklahoma workers face serious dangers at their job sites. In fact, worker deaths around the country are on the rise, according to a report from the AFL-CIO. In 2016, 5,190 people were killed on the job, compared to 4,836 the year before. The report found that...
What Is an Employer’s Liability for a Car Accident Caused by an Employee?
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, it may not just be the driver of the other vehicle who bears legal responsibility. For instance, if the negligent driver was operating a vehicle owned by his or her employer, the company may owe you compensation...
Inexperience could be hazardous in coal mines
For Oklahoma miners, a lack of training and a lack of experience can lead to serious injuries or death. According to a division of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, six of seven coal miners who have died in 2017 were at their current workplaces for less than...
When Wrongful Death Occurs on a Construction Site
However, what happens when someone dies while working on a construction site? Construction Worker Death in Tulsa In March of 2014, 48-year-old Eri Hernandez of Edmond was hit and killed by a dump truck hit and killed by a dump truck on a construction site. She was a...