There are many potential driving distractions. For most of them, it’s technically easy for drivers to avoid the distraction—they simply need to choose to do so. For example, texting and driving is a very common distraction that leads to car accidents. Yet, all of...
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Distracted Driving
Distracted driving goes beyond texting
If you ask someone what they think of when they hear the term “distracted driving,” they are likely to say something about texting while driving. However, we are surrounded by distractions whenever we get behind the wheel. What are some of the most common distractions...
Can people spot distracted drivers before it’s too late?
Distracted drivers are one of the biggest safety issues on the roads. Thousands of crashes every year take place because people focus on something other than driving while in control of a motor vehicle. Someone may do their best to be safe on the streets, but they...
Factors that can slow reaction times
While most drivers feel relatively comfortable on the roads, the reality is that driving is a complex activity that requires fast reaction times. Drivers need to be able to react to potential hazards regularly. For example, if a child steps out on the road, the driver...
Do navigational aids make your drives safer?
Everyone loves to shave minutes off their commutes, and one way to do that is to use navigational aids like Waze or Google Maps. When driving in unfamiliar territory, these apps can be helpful because they point you in the right direction when you are clueless about...
Distractions can lead to catastrophic issues on the road
Distractions are a critical threat to everyone on the roadways. Catastrophic consequences can occur even if a driver is only distracted for a few seconds. Driving demands full attention and cognitive engagement. Any deviation from this focus disrupts a driver's...
Three signs that the driver you’re following is distracted
How many times have you been following someone while driving and wondered what they were doing? Swerving and moving across lanes is often a clear indicator that the person behind the wheel is not paying attention to the road. As a driver, you need to be aware of what...
3 examples of distracted driving
Car manufacturers are always looking for ways to improve vehicle safety. First, cars had airbags and seatbelts and, now, many vehicles have lane auto-correction and self-driving features. However, there’s one issue that manufacturers can’t effectively put a stop to,...
Why someone texting at a stoplight could easily cause a crash
Texting at the wheel isn't a very safe choice, and it is a danger you likely actively avoid. If you pull up next to someone and see their phone in their hands, you will probably try to get away from them as quickly as possible because they might cause a crash. When...
Why is distracted driving so dangerous?
If you are like most people, you have likely been distracted while behind the wheel before. Unfortunately, mundane tasks, such as adjusting the temperature or finding a new radio station, take your mind off the road. In these few seconds, an accident can happen. In...